Pokemon Go
Recent changes in Pokémon GO have introduced a new interaction limit with Team GO Rocket Grunts that could lead to temporary bans for players. This update has caused significant dissatisfaction within the community, especially with the upcoming Pokémon GO Adventure event.
Players can now face a temporary ban for interacting with more than 160 Team GO Rocket Grunts. This limit includes not just battles, but any form of interaction with the Grunts. The ban does not permanently terminate accounts but imposes a temporary cooldown period.
The interaction limit of 160 was discovered through an experiment by a player who created a new account specifically to test this threshold. This finding has raised concerns about how it will affect gameplay, particularly during events that encourage interaction with Team GO Rocket Grunts.
The upcoming Pokémon GO Adventure event is expected to have an increased spawn rate of Team GO Rocket Grunts. This change could cause players to hit the interaction limit more easily, leading to potential temporary bans during the event.
One notable exception is that Rocket Balloons do not count towards the interaction limit. Players can engage with Rocket Balloons without fear of hitting the threshold, providing a workaround for those concerned about the new limit.
The Pokémon GO community has expressed significant dissatisfaction with this change. Many feel that it unfairly penalizes active players and could negatively impact the overall gameplay experience, especially during special events designed to increase interactions with Team GO Rocket Grunts.
This new interaction limit with Team GO Rocket Grunts in Pokémon GO has stirred controversy among players. While it aims to prevent the exploitation of Stardust farming, it also poses challenges for those who actively engage with the game. As the Pokémon GO Adventure event approaches, players will need to navigate this new limit carefully to avoid temporary bans.