Monopoly GO: 'Tycoon Racers' Rewards and Milestones
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Monopoly GO: 'Tycoon Racers' Rewards and Milestones

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Monopoly GO: 'Tycoon Racers' Rewards and Milestones

Monopoly GO's exciting new event, Tycoon Racers, is setting the stage for a thrilling team tournament where players team up in groups of four to dive into races and collect Flag tokens.  Launching globally on June 12, this innovative event is all about rolling special event Dice within a popper using Flag tokens to rack up Medals and unlock a cascade of rewards.   Scoring points revolves around flag collection and spinning a points wheel, heavily relying on the luck of the dice roll.  Tycoon Racers not only promises an intense race to the finish from June 12 to June 16 but also a bounty of rewards including sticker packs, cash, and Dice Rolls, all depending on your teamwork and performance.

Monopoly GO Tycoon Racers Rewards and Milestones

Unlike other events in Monopoly GO, "Tycoon Racers" emphasizes both cooperation and competition. The rewards vary depending on the team's rank, but the "Tycoon Racers" event boasts 28 milestone layers in each day's races. Each day, every rank is awarded substantial rewards, including 6685 dice, cash, Race Tokens, Sticker Packs, and more. Below is the complete list of rewards and milestones for every rank in the Monopoly GO Tycoon Racers event:

Rank 1

Milestone Laps Rewards
1 1 100 Dices, 60 Race Tokens
2 3 85 Dices, 80 Race Tokens
3 5 2 Stars Sticker Pack, 125 Dices, 100 Race Tokens
4 10 3 Stars Sticker Pack, 140 Race Tokens
5 20 350 Dices, 160 Race Tokens, Mega Heist * 15
6 30 4 Stars Sticker Pack, 450 Dices
7 40 Cash, 340 Race Tokens, Wheel Boost * 25
8 50 475 Dices, 360 Race Tokens
9 60 Cash, 380 Race Tokens
10 70 4 Stars Sticker Pack, 500 Dices, 400 Race Tokens
11 80 Cash, Cash Boost * 15
12 90 500 Dices, Cash
13 100 400 Race Tokens, Cash
14 110 525 Dices, Cash
15 120 400 Race Tokens, Cash
16 130 500 Dices, Cash
17 140 400 Race Tokens, Cash
18 150 525 Dices, Cash
19 160 400 Race Tokens, Cash
20 170 500 Dices, Cash
21 180 400 Race Tokens, Cash
22 190 525 Dices, Cash
23 200 400 Race Tokens, Cash
24 210 500 Dices, Cash
25 220 400 Race Tokens, Cash
26 230 525 Dices, Cash
27 240 400 Race Tokens, Cash
28 250 500 Dices, Cash

Rank 2

Milestone Laps Rewards
1 1 100 Dices, 100 Race Tokens
2 3 85 Dices, 120 Race Tokens
3 5 2 Stars Sticker Pack, 125 Dices, 140 Race Tokens
4 10 3 Stars Sticker Pack, 200 Race Tokens
5 20 350 Dices, 220 Race Tokens, Mega Heist * 15
6 30 4 Stars Sticker Pack, 450 Dices
7 40 Cash, 380 Race Tokens, Wheel Boost * 25
8 50 475 Dices, 400 Race Tokens
9 60 Cash, 420 Race Tokens
10 70 4 Stars Sticker Pack, 500 Dices, 460 Race Tokens
11 80 Cash, Cash Boost * 15
12 90 500 Dices, Cash
13 100 460 Race Tokens, Cash
14 110 525 Dices, Cash
15 120 460 Race Tokens, Cash
16 130 500 Dices, Cash
17 140 460 Race Tokens, Cash
18 150 525 Dices, Cash
19 160 460 Race Tokens, Cash
20 170 500 Dices, Cash
21 180 460 Race Tokens, Cash
22 190 525 Dices, Cash
23 200 460 Race Tokens, Cash
24 210 500 Dices, Cash
25 220 460 Race Tokens, Cash
26 230 525 Dices, Cash
27 240 460 Race Tokens, Cash
28 250 500Dices, Cash

Rank 3

Milestone Laps Rewards
1 1 100 Dices, 140 Race Tokens
2 3 85 Dices, 160 Race Tokens
3 5 2 Stars Sticker Pack, 125 Dices, 180 Race Tokens
4 10 3 Stars Sticker Pack, 260 Race Tokens
5 20 350 Dices, 280 Race Tokens, Mega Heist * 15
6 30 4 Stars Sticker Pack, 450 Dices
7 40 Cash, 440 Race Tokens, Cash Boost * 10
8 50 475 Dices, 500 Race Tokens
9 60 Cash, 560 Race Tokens
10 70 4 Stars Sticker Pack, 500 Dices, 600 Race Tokens
11 80 Cash, High Roller * 15
12 90 500 Dices, Cash
13 100 600 Race Tokens, Cash
14 110 525 Dices, Cash
15 120 600 Race Tokens, Cash
16 130 500 Dices, Cash
17 140 600 Race Tokens, Cash
18 150 525 Dices, Cash
19 160 600 Race Tokens, Cash
20 170 500 Dices, Cash
21 180 600 Race Tokens, Cash
22 190 525 Dices, Cash
23 200 600 Race Tokens, Cash
24 210 500 Dices, Cash
25 220 600 Race Tokens, Cash
26 230 525 Dices, Cash
27 240 600 Race Tokens, Cash
28 250 500 Dices, Cash

Rank 4

Milestone Laps Rewards
1 1 100 Dices, 1800 Race Tokens
2 3 85 Dicess, 200 Race Tokens
3 5 2 Stars Sticker Pack, 125 Dices, 220 Race Tokens
4 10 3 Stars Sticker Pack, 320 Race Tokens
5 20 350 Dices, 340 Race Tokens, Mega Heist * 15
6 30 4 Stars Sticker Pack, 450 Dices
7 40 Cash, 600 Race Tokens, Cash Boost * 10
8 50 475 Dices, 660 Race Tokens
9 60 Cash, 700 Race Tokens
10 70 4 Stars Sticker Pack, 400 Dices, 740 Race Tokens
11 80 Cash, High Roller * 15
12 90 500 Dices, Cash
13 100 740 Race Tokens, Cash
14 110 525 Dices, Cash
15 120 740 Race Tokens, Cash
16 130 500 Dices, Cash
17 140 740 Race Tokens, Cash
18 150 525 Dices, Cash
19 160 740 Race Tokens, Cash
20 170 500 Dices, Cash
21 180 740 Race Tokens, Cash
22 190 525 Dices, Cash
23 200 740 Race Tokens, Cash
24 210 500 Dices, Cash
25 220 740 Race Tokens, Cash
26 230 525 RDices, Cash
27 240 740 Race Tokens, Cash
28 250 500 Dices, Cash

After each round of competition, teams will be ranked based on the final scores they achieve each day. Different ranks will be awarded different numbers of medals:

Race Position Round 1 Reward Round 2 Reward Round 3 Reward
1st 10 medals 10 medals 20 medals
2nd 8 medals 8 medals 16 medals
3rd 7 medals 7 medals 14 medals
4th 5 medals 5 medals 10 medals

After the three rounds of competition, a final ranking will be determined based on the total number of medals. The person ranked first will receive the ultimate reward. Below are the rewards for each ranking:

Rank Rewards
1 3500 Dices, The Tycoon Racer Token, Wild sticker
2 1000 Dices, 5 Stars Sticker Pack
3 500 Dices, 4 Stars Sticker Pack
4 175 Dices

The Tycoon Racer Token

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