This article aims to provide some tips for newcomers and a cost-effectiveness analysis of obtaining heirloom materials for experienced players. For veterans, you can skip to the section on the cost-effectiveness analysis of acquiring heirloom materials. Let's start with the preparation outside the game.
The most important thing is how to obtain heirloom materials at the cheapest price. **First and foremost, do not buy from the merchant**, as it is a huge loss. The correct method is to purchase from the auction house. Here are two tables for reference:
Materials Obtained from Dismantling | Gold/Material | Vendor Price |
10 | 325 | 800 |
15 | 217 | 800 |
Materials Obtained from Dismantling | Gold/Material | Vendor Price |
10 | 244 | 800 |
If you end up with rings and one-handed weapons with poor attributes, don't dismantle them blindly. After accounting for a 25% tax rate, directly dismantling for 10 materials is about 13% less cost-effective compared to selling the 10-material item and buying a 15-material item to dismantle.
When looting, prioritize high-value single-slot rings and necklaces, then armor. If you find someone else's heirloom with poor attributes, there's no need to bring it out since heirlooms can only be dismantled for one material and take up a lot of space, even if it's an orange heirloom.
This brings us to the next key point: **prioritizing the upgrade of heirlooms**. This investment is highly valuable and offers permanent benefits. For example, a level 20 necromancer can invest 2000 gold to combine two core skills by pairing a green hammer and shield with a white ring. **Dying isn't a big deal, but surviving even once is highly rewarding.**
When crafting heirlooms, be aware that the game defaults to using Mithril Tokens. For lower-level heirlooms, prioritize using materials instead of wasting Mithril Tokens, which should be reserved for crafting purple or higher-quality heirlooms. This can save you some money. However, even after using up Mithril Tokens, prioritize dismantling equipment for materials instead of buying tokens from the merchant, as one token is equivalent to only two purple materials. According to our previous formula, buying a purple item for around 5000 gold and dismantling it yields materials worth only about 666 gold. Therefore, after using up Mithril Tokens, prioritize dismantling equipment for sub-materials.
When unlocking heirloom attributes, note that the slots for two-handed and one-handed weapons are not interchangeable. **Attributes for two-handed weapon slots are generally about twice those for one-handed weapons.** Therefore, I recommend unlocking attributes for two-handed weapons first. For example, the first and second slots of a two-handed sword can directly use the attack and life value attributes, which can also be applied to the second slot of a necklace. This way, you can enjoy the benefits on multiple pieces of equipment for the cost of one, making it more cost-effective in the early stages.
To increase your win rate, I suggest practicing your weapon combos and getting used to your weapon's attack range in the training ground for each character and weapon. Effects that do not require hitting players to activate can also be tested here. Additionally, entering the training ground during a full moon will grant you a Full Moon Necklace, unlocking the Moon Necklace heirloom. However, note that the default Full Moon Necklace lacks these effects, providing only a 2-point all-attribute bonus, 150% experience efficiency, and 9% all-resistance, which is quite poor. **Its actual combat attributes may be inferior to green equipment.**
You can get three free Mithril Dice from the merchant each week. Remember not to waste these dice. **Insure your current equipment slot so that the equipment won't drop if you die.** If any of your character's slots are empty, you can enter the game naked and receive a full set of basic equipment upon exit. Even gray equipment can significantly boost your attributes, so it's better to re-enter the game with full equipment than to go in with any empty slots.
Switching characters in this game is relatively low-cost. Any character can reach max level with three to four Ascension Potions after entering the game.
Apart from the undead characters with special gender recognition, other races have unique racial traits. For example, elves like the Magic Swordsman and Druid can enter a permanent semi-stealth state after crouching for a while, making them hard to spot from a distance. **This stealth effect also grants a slow healing buff, allowing you to heal fully if you crouch for about five minutes without potions.**
In contrast, humans have a straightforward racial trait, providing an extra row of ten inventory slots. Blue Mana Shrines in the game can restore undead energy for undead characters. Non-energy-bar professions should leave Mana Shrines for their teammates.
In the game settings, under personalization, there's an option to allow others to view your inventory. **I recommend setting it to "off" to prevent opponents from seeing your equipment.** If others can see your attributes and passive skills before entering the game, you are at a disadvantage. Experienced players can judge the equipment level based on appearance, so aim for the opponent's lower-level equipment parts during combat for extra attack bonuses.
Regarding in-game consumables, using consumables with keys 3, 4, and 5 can increase movement speed since holding a weapon reduces speed, while potions don't. Before a fight, drink a potion while approaching the enemy to save time during combat. However, don't repeatedly drink potions out of panic, as their effects only refresh and don't stack. **Drinking one potion is enough to avoid wasting valuable potions and unnecessary actions.**
Throwables are crucial in the game. The Incendiary Flask deals significant damage and has functional effects. For example, closing a door and throwing an Incendiary Flask behind it will continuously burn and interrupt the enemy's actions. The Thunderclap Flask can slow enemies when thrown during a chase or escape. However, be aware that the Thunderclap Flask causes friendly fire. The Stoneshaping Flask is the most important item, creating a wall to effectively separate enemies and give yourself time to buff. Attacking the wall with melee attacks can speed up its destruction. Lastly, the Smokescreen Flask acts as a smoke bomb, but note that monsters are unaffected, so using it to loot their chests is ineffective.
Finally, the age-old advice in such games: **don't be greedy.** When you have enough loot, find a way to escape promptly.
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